Varicose Veins: DIY Remedies and Natural Treatments

If you have noticed signs of varicose veins on your legs or feet, you are not alone. It is estimated that over 20% of people experience varicose veins at some point in their lives. While they are not considered a serious medical condition (in most cases), they can be quite uncomfortable, may cause embarrassment and not to mention, they can limit your choice of wardrobe! If you are experiencing signs of varicose veins, we recommend getting them checked out by a physician to rule out any serious conditions, and if all checks out, read on to learn about some at home treatments with simple plant based oils and herbal extracts that work wonders for diminishing the appearance of veins.

What are Varicose Veins and What Causes Them?

Varicose veins are veins that are somewhat raised, are bluish-purple in color, and in some cases are swollen and painful. One of the main causes of varicose veins is damaged or weakened vein walls and valves. When the walls and valves no longer properly function, an increased amount of blood collects in the veins causing them to become enlarged and distorted.

There are many factors as to why some people seem more prone to having varicose veins than others. In addition to the genetic factor, prolonged pressure on the legs, due to pregnancy, obesity or standing for long periods of time, can all lead to varicose veins. While the symptoms vary from person to person, there are specific ones to look out for:

  • Legs that feel heavy

  • Swelling of the feet and ankles

  • Dry or itchy skin that is noticeably thinner over the vein

How to Naturally Treat Varicose Veins?    

There are many types of treatments for varicose veins. Medical treatments, such as Sclerotherapy, Laser Therapy, or Vein Stripping can require repeated visits to a physician, may have some negative side effects and are quite costly. More natural and holistic treatments are also available and have been shown to be just as effective as some medical treatments, without the pain, downtime, the risk of side effects or costs. While natural treatments are convenient and can be done at home or on the go, remember that consistency is key in order to experience the full benefits and see noticeable results.

  1. Horse Chestnut Seed Extract

    Horse chestnut seed extract is commonly taken by mouth or can also be applied topically to treat varicose veins and other circulatory issues that cause swelling. The active compound in horse chestnut called Aescin helps to strengthen the vein walls, reduce venous congestion by allowing the veins to contract more easily, and it also helps to reduce the symptoms of pain and swelling. A 2006 study and a 2015 study on horse chestnut confirmed its effectiveness in helping to treat varicose veins.

  2. Grape Seed Oil

    Grape Seed oil is rich with antioxidants that can help strengthen the blood vessels and improve circulation, thus reducing venous congestion and the appearance of varicose veins.

  3. Helichrysum Essential Oil

    Helichrysum oil is known for its healing properties. It has been shown to be effective in shrinking the appearance of varicose veins by helping to improve blood circulation. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, It can also help to calm down inflamed tissue and prevent the development of new varicose veins.

  4. Other Essential Oils

    • To improve blood circulation, try Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Clary Sage, Cypress and Rose.

    • To reduce inflammation and swelling, try Thyme, Clove, Fennel, Eucalyptus, Juniper Berry, and Myrrh.

    • To reduce pressure, try Ginger, Grapefruit, Cypress, Lemon, Basil, and Rosemary.

    • To reduce discomfort and pain, try Basil, Cypress, and Peppermint.

  5. Compression Socks

    Compression socks (or stockings) are another form of treatment that can be used on their own or combined with the oils and plant extracts mentioned above. The pressure created from wearing the socks compresses the surface arteries and veins, helping to strengthen the vein valves so they can function properly and effectively send the blood back to the heart without any obstructions.

  6. Exercise

    Low impact exercise, like walking or yoga, can also assist your body with naturally regulating blood circulation, and can also help with weight loss if obesity is an underlying cause.

How are Spider Veins Different from Varicose Veins?

Spider veins are also caused by valves that are not working properly, and therefore prevent the blood from flowing in the correct direction, causing it to pool inside the vein. Unlike varicose veins, they are rarely painful. Spider veins, while also noticeable in their appearance, are typically thin and flat, while varicose veins can be engorged and swollen.

Spider veins on the face are often the result of tiny blood vessels bursting, increased pressure or sun damage. The remedies above for treating varicose veins can also be used to treat spider veins.

DIY Recipe for a Natural Varicose Vein Remedy

Before you apply essential oils directly to your skin, it’s important that they are properly diluted in a carrier oil, such as Sweet Almond, Coconut, Grape Seed or Olive. This is because essential oils are potent and could possibly irritate the skin if not properly diluted. Mixing ratios vary based on the type of oil, but typically carrier oils are the main component in formulations.

To make your own DIY blend for Treating Varicose and Spider Veins, try the following formula:

  • 1 fl oz of Grape Seed Oil

  • 1 fl oz of Horse Chestnut Extract

  • 4 drops Helichrysum essential oil

  • 2 drops of essential oils that improve blood circulation (see above)

  • 2 drops of essential oils that reduce swelling (see above)

  • 2 drops of essential oils that reduce pressure (see above)

  • 2 drops of essential oils that reduce discomfort and pain (see above)

Depending on the essential oils you choose, you may have to add more of the carrier oil (Grape Seed Oil) to properly dilute the essential oils.

After making your remedy, simply apply a thin layer to affected areas and gently massage into the skin using a circular motion. This gentle yet effective formula can be applied to the body, legs or face. Repeat daily for maximum benefits and results! Use compression socks along with your remedy for even faster results.

For a ready-to-go product that contains all the amazing natural ingredients we discussed to combat varicose veins, try Isabella’s Clearly VEIN.


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