5 Reasons to Choose Cruelty Free Products

Whether or not you’re an animal lover, we can all agree that torturing and killing animals is inhumane and unethical - especially when it’s completely unnecessary. We are not going to scare you with detailed stories and heartbreaking images of tortured animals; you can find plenty of those online. But we do want to take a moment to explain why buying Cruelty Free products is the right choice for our global community and for your own health.

What makes a brand Cruelty Free? Cruelty Free brands are committed to not testing their products on animals and not using ingredients from suppliers who test their products on animals.

5 Reasons to Switch to Cruelty Free:

  1. Animal Testing is Cruel

    Many cosmetic, personal care and drug companies use lab animals, including rabbits, dogs, rats, mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters to test the “safety” of their products. These practices are simply unethical and violate animal rights, by causing pain and torture to the animals. 

  2. Animal Testing is not Reliable

    Transferring the results of animal tests to humans has proven problematic and misleading. The National Institutes of Health reported that 95 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal test fail in humans. This was reported in 2004 and many other organizations had similar findings, yet animal testing practices are still widespread today.

  3. There are Alternatives to Animal Testing

    Ending animal testing does not mean putting human lives at risk. Scientists have developed quicker, cheaper and more reliable methods for testing the safety of products. These methods include cell and tissue cultures, computer modeling and human-patient simulators. However many companies are still hesitant about adopting these methods for a variety of reasons - from animal testing being required in their country to protecting themselves against lawsuits by injured customers.

  4. Cruelty Free Products are Better for You

    Cruelty-free brands have higher standards and formulate their products with quality ingredients that have established histories of safe use. They also leave out the harmful chemicals and toxins, which can be irritating to your skin and dangerous to your health. 

  5. You Can Change the Industry

    By supporting cruelty free brands and committing to not purchasing products from companies that test on animals, you can force animal testing brands to change their practices or risk becoming obsolete. To find a list of certified cruelty free brands, check out the Leaping Bunny program’s shopping guide.  You can also consider supporting, donating to or volunteering with organizations whose mission is to promote alternative testing methods and end animal testing. Check out Humane Society International, Cruelty Free International, and PETA.

Isabella’s Clearly is proud to be Leaping Bunny certified. The Leaping Bunny is the most trusted cruelty free certification for non-animal tested products, because it shows that businesses have procedures and policies in place to enable and verify their cruelty-free claims. Join us on our mission to raise awareness and end animal cruelty.


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