Is Oil Bad for Acne Prone Skin?

Acne is a skin condition that is mostly caused by hair follicles and pores getting clogged with oil, bacteria and dead skin cells. The clogged pores lead to skin irritation which can cause whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. While acne is most prominent in teens, it affects persons of all ages.

Acne occurs in teens due to hormonal changes and normal development that teenagers go through. The difference between teen acne and adult acne is that while the primary cause of teen acne is hormonal changes, adult acne is typically caused by stress, a hectic lifestyle and even the environment.  

Both types of acne are treatable but in different ways depending on the cause. However ingredients, especially natural and essential oils, can help reduce both types of acne and improve overall skin health to prevent future breakouts.

Will using Face Oil make you Break Out?

The common notion that it's harmful to apply oil to acne-prone skin is simply a myth. The natural oil that our skin produces is called sebum and it actually protects our skin from environmental damage. By using cleansers and products that dry out the skin and reduce surface oils, the skin generates even more sebum to compensate for the loss and becomes more vulnerable to irritation and bacteria. Since oils are lipophilic, they have the ability to moisturize the skin and keep it hydrated by preventing water evaporation. This is important for a healthy complexion, balanced oil production and for treating skin conditions such as acne.

Tea Tree Oil to Treat Acne

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Tea Tree oil is one of the most beneficial oils for the skin because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities. Rich in nutrients, tea tree oil acts as moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and healthy. It helps to treat dark spots, scars and discoloration and also reduce redness and inflammation. And because of its anti-bacterial qualities, Tea Tree helps to keep acne-causing bacteria out of your pores.

Aloe Vera Oil to Reduce Acne Scars

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Aloe Vera is a popular plant known to soothe and heal skin irritation and is especially beneficial for sensitive skin. It is known for treating hyperpigmentation, correcting dark spots and skin discoloration, and healing as well as preventing scars. As an acne treatment, applying aloe vera topically can play a big role in preventing scarring, which is a common side effect of cystic and severe acne.  

Tips for Using Oil to Treat Acne

When using face oils on acne prone skin, it’s important to include other products in your skin care regimen to help balance oil production and keep your skin hydrated. A gentle toner, from rose water or witch hazel, applied before an oil treatment can enhance the effects of the oils by allowing more effective absorption, and will also help to cleanse and freshen up the skin for a healthier complexion. Make sure to choose a non-drying toner so avoid products with alcohol, a common ingredient in skin care products.

While some essential oils can be applied directly to the skin, we always recommend diluting essential oils in a carrier oil prior to application. Sweet Almond oil and Jojoba Oils are great options for acne prone skin.

Clearly ZITS: What’s the Secret Formula?

Isabella's Clearly ZITS is a simple blend of the most effective natural and essential oils for treating and preventing acne. The blend of oils help to hydrate the skin to prevent dryness and irritation. Lemon and Tea Tree oils help to gently eliminate acne causing bacteria and prevent acne from reappearing. They also help to reduce irritation and redness, as well as the appearance of acne scars. Clearly ZITS is equally effective for teen and adult acne.

Prior to applying, consider a gentle toner such as Clearly TONE, made of 100% pure rose water.

If you have questions about other oils or other acne treatments, our team of skin care and aromatherapy experts are here for you. Leave a comment or contact us via email at


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