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Everything You Need to Know About Squalane for Skin Care

If your skin has been looking a little dry or dull and you’re starting to see early signs of aging, a single ingredient can help turn that around. As we age, our skin needs more hydration and more moisture because our naturally built-in skin moisturizers begin to diminish sometime in our late 20’s. Scientists, however, discovered that a natural ingredient found in plants can mimic our skin’s natural oils, because it’s identical to them, and can therefore help replenish lost moisture to transform our skin and keep it looking youthful.

We recently introduced this amazing ingredient, Squalane, into our facial cleansers so that you can easily incorporate it into your daily routine. If you’re going to use one ingredient on a daily basis, this is it folks! 

What is Squalane? (and are we spelling it correctly?)

The first thing to know about Squalane is that it is molecularly identical to Squalene (which is a lipid that is naturally produced by our oil glands). Naturally occurring squalene helps to hydrate and protect our skin from dryness and dehydration (as well as signs of aging), but unfortunately our bodies’ production of it dramatically declines as we age. However, scientists discovered that plant derived Squalane has the same exact benefits for our skin and because it’s molecularly identical to Squalene, our bodies quickly recognize it and know exactly how to use it.

One modification that is made to the ingredient is the addition of hydrogen. Hydrogenation allows it to be shelf stable and more skin friendly. The hydrogenated version is therefore called Squalane (with an “a”) to help distinguish it from the unstable version.

Is Squalane a Natural Ingredient?

Yes, plant derived Squalane is a perfectly natural and sustainable ingredient, commonly derived from olive oil, rice bran, wheat germ or sugar cane. Animal derived Squalene, however, available in many skin care products, is sourced from the livers of sharks. The exploitation of sharks for this sought-after ingredient puts shark populations at risk. Fortunately, due to ethical concerns and the abundance of squalene in plants, major beauty companies are shifting away from using the shark-derived version in their products. 

What are the Benefits of Squalane?

Squalane is a pure molecule with an oil like texture that is intensely hydrating and has a long list of benefits for the skin. Here are just a few of its powerful benefits:

  • Intense Hydration

    Not only does Squalane provide intense hydration but it is also very easily absorbed into our skin, because of how well it mimics the natural squalene that our body naturally produces.

  • Powerful Emollient

    Squalane is a great moisturizer that also acts as an emollient, to help repair dry rough skin and improve overall skin texture and appearance. It aids in elasticity, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and softens the skin’s texture creating a radiant glow.

  • Antioxidant RICH

    Squalane oil is rich in antioxidants that help the skin fight free radicals that can cause damage. It also helps to protect the skin from the effects of environmental damage, such as sun damage and dark spots.

  • Anti-inflammatory

    Squalane is a non-irritant making it ideal for sensitive skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe a variety of skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. 

  • Non-Comedogenic

    Squalane is a lightweight oil that does not clog pores, making it ideal for oily and acne prone skin.  

Common Questions about Squalane and Squalane Based Oil Cleansers: 

Since we launched our FACE oil cleansers, we’ve received a lot of questions from customers about Squalane and the oil cleansing method. For oil cleansing questions, refer to our oil cleansing blog post, and below, we’ll address the most common questions we’ve received about Squalane. 

Is Squalane an Oil? 

Yes, Squalane is considered an oil but it’s very thin and lightweight, so it doesn’t leave your skin looking or feeling greasy. 

Is Squalane good for acne?

Squalane is non-comedogenic, meaning it will not clog your pores, so it’s a great oil for acne prone skin. It’s also a soothing anti-inflammatory so it can help reduce inflammation, redness and skin irritation. 

Is Squalane vegan?

Plant-derived Squalane is a vegan product. We use olive oil based Squalane which is sustainable and environmentally friendly. However, some companies source Squalane that is derived from shark liver. Make sure to read the product labels and ensure that the brand is cruelty free.

Is Squalane Safe During Pregnancy?

Fortunately, yes! Unlike other popular skin care ingredients (like retinoids, hydroquinone, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide), Squalane is perfectly safe to use during pregnancy. 

If you have any additional questions about Squalane, Squalene or Oil Cleansing, please email us or leave a comment below.

Products with Squalane